.. automodule:: pysptools.classification Classification *************** This module supports following supervised algorithms: * `Abundance Classification`_ * `Normalized Cross Correlation (NormXCorr)`_ * `Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM)`_ * `Spectral Information Divergence (SID)`_ * `Output`_ For each of these classifiers, three different plotting methods are availables. For NormXCorr, SAM and SID, the fusions of classification maps use a best score win approach. .. seealso:: See the file :download:`test_cls.py<../../tests/test_cls.py>` for an example and for SVC see :download:`test_SVC.py<../../tests/test_SVC.py>`. Apart from these supervised algorithms, following unsupervised algorithm is also supported: * `KMeans`_ .. seealso:: See the file :download:`test_kmeans.py<../../tests/test_kmeans.py>` for an example. Abundance Classification ======================== .. autoclass:: pysptools.classification.AbundanceClassification :members: Normalized Cross Correlation (NormXCorr) ========================================== .. autoclass:: pysptools.classification.NormXCorr :members: Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) ============================ .. autoclass:: pysptools.classification.SAM :members: Spectral Information Divergence (SID) ======================================= .. autoclass:: pysptools.classification.SID :members: Output ====== .. autoclass:: pysptools.classification.Output :members: