.. automodule:: pysptools.eea Endmembers Extraction Algorithms (EEA) ************************************** This module Supports following endmembers extraction algorithms: * `Automatic Target Generation Process (ATGP)`_ * `Fast Iterative Pixel Purity Index (FIPPI)`_ * `N-FINDR`_ * `Pixel Purity Index (PPI)`_ .. seealso:: See the file :download:`test_eea.py<../../tests/test_eea.py>` for an example. .. note:: Regarding the *normalize* parameter, if you have data that are out of bound in your HSI cube, the use of *normalize* is not recommended. You must clean up the data before using this parameter. Automatic Target Generation Process (ATGP) =========================================== Function -------- .. autofunction:: pysptools.eea.eea.ATGP ------------------------------ Class ------ .. autoclass:: pysptools.eea.ATGP :members: Fast Iterative Pixel Purity Index (FIPPI) =========================================== Function -------- .. autofunction:: pysptools.eea.eea.FIPPI ------------------------------ Class ------ .. autoclass:: pysptools.eea.FIPPI :members: N-FINDR ======== Class ------ .. autoclass:: pysptools.eea.NFINDR :members: Pixel Purity Index (PPI) ========================= Function -------- .. autofunction:: pysptools.eea.eea.PPI ------------------------------ Class ------ .. autoclass:: pysptools.eea.PPI :members: