Welcome to the PySptools Documentation

Tools for hyperspectral imaging

Documentation at 2018-10-11.
stacked abundance maps

Hyperspectral imaging is used to visualize chemistry, the spatial relation between chemicals and the proportion of them. PySptools is a python module that implements spectral and hyperspectral algorithms. Specializations of the library are the endmembers extraction, unmixing process, supervised classification, target detection, noise reduction, convex hull removal and features extraction at spectrum level. The library is designed to be easy to use and almost all functionality has a plot function to save you time with the data analysis process. The actual sources of the algorithms are the Matlab Hyperspectral Toolbox of Isaac Gerg, the pwctools of M. A. Little, the Endmember Induction Algorithms toolbox (EIA), the HySime Matlab module of José Bioucas-Dias and José Nascimento and research papers. Starting with version 0.14.0, PySptools add a bridge to the scikit-learn library. You can download PySptools from the PySptools Project Page hosted by Sourceforge.net or from the pypi packages repository.

My personal web site

Version 0.15.0 is released

This version have an experimental module named ml (see the Machine Learning section below). This module implement an interface to XGBoost and LightGBM. The interface is scikit-learn and PySptools friendly. The machine learning part of the project work very well but there is many glitches on the cross validation side and it will take time to fix. If you like hyper-parameters, you will be served!


Indices and tables