Source code for pysptools.classification.cls_int

# Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Christian Therien
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# - This file is part of the PySptools package.

Spectral Angle Mapper class
Spectral Information Divergence class
Normalized cross correlation class

import numpy as np
from . import cls
from . import out
from .inval import *
from .docstring import *

def _normalize(M):
    Normalizes M to be in range [0, 1].

      M: `numpy array`
          1D, 2D or 3D data.

    Returns: `numpy array`
          Normalized data.

    minVal = np.min(M)
    maxVal = np.max(M)

    Mn = M - minVal;

    if maxVal == minVal:
        return np.zeros(M.shape);
        return Mn / (maxVal-minVal)

def _single_value_min(data, threshold):
    Use a threshold to extract the minimum value along
    the data y axis.
    amin = np.min(data)
    amax = np.max(data)
    limit = amin + (amax - amin) * threshold
    return data < limit

def _single_value_max(data, threshold):
    Use a threshold to extract the maximum value along
    the data y axis.
    amin = np.min(data)
    amax = np.max(data)
    limit = amax - (amax - amin) * threshold
    return data > limit

def _simple_decorator(decorator):
    """ A well behaved decorator.
    def new_decorator(f):
        g = decorator(f)
        g.__name__ = f.__name__
        g.__doc__ = f.__doc__
        return g
    # Now a few lines needed to make simple_decorator itself
    # be a well-behaved decorator.
    new_decorator.__name__ = decorator.__name__
    new_decorator.__doc__ = decorator.__doc__
    return new_decorator

def Plot(method):
    def plot(self, path, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='Accent', suffix=None):
        if self.n_classes == 1:
            self.output.plot1(self.cmap, path=path, mask=mask, interpolation=interpolation, colorMap=colorMap, suffix=suffix)
            self.output.plot(self.cmap, self.n_classes, path=path, labels=labels, mask=mask, interpolation=interpolation, colorMap=colorMap, firstBlack=True, suffix=suffix)
    return plot

def Display(method):
    def display(self, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='Accent', suffix=None):
        if self.n_classes == 1:
            self.output.plot1(self.cmap, mask=mask, interpolation=interpolation, colorMap=colorMap, suffix=suffix)
            self.output.plot(self.cmap, self.n_classes, labels=labels, mask=mask, interpolation=interpolation, colorMap=colorMap, firstBlack=True, suffix=suffix)
    return display

def _document(cls):
    import sys
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
        cls.classify.__func__.__doc__ = classify_docstring
        cls.get_single_map.__func__.__doc__ = get_single_map_docstring
        cls.plot_single_map.__func__.__doc__ = plot_single_map_docstring
        cls.display_single_map.__func__.__doc__ = display_single_map_docstring
        cls.plot.__func__.__doc__ = plot_docstring
        cls.display.__func__.__doc__ = display_docstring
        cls.plot_histo.__func__.__doc__ = plot_histo_docstring
    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
        cls.classify.__doc__ = classify_docstring
        cls.get_single_map.__doc__ = get_single_map_docstring
        cls.plot_single_map.__doc__ = plot_single_map_docstring
        cls.display_single_map.__doc__ = display_single_map_docstring
        cls.plot.__doc__ = plot_docstring
        cls.display.__doc__ = display_docstring
        cls.plot_histo.__doc__ = plot_histo_docstring

def _compress(vec, mask):
    n = np.sum(mask)
    cmp = np.ndarray((n, vec.shape[1]), dtype=np.float)
    i = 0
    for j in range(mask.shape[0]):
        if mask[j] == 1:
            cmp[i] = vec[j]
            i += 1
    return cmp

def _expand(amap, mask, l):
    exp = np.zeros(l, dtype=np.float)
    i = 0
    for j in range(mask.shape[0]):
        if mask[j] == 1:
            exp[j] = amap[i]
            i += 1
    return exp

def _expand2(amap, mask, l, q):
    exp = np.zeros((l,q), dtype=np.float)
    i = 0
    for j in range(mask.shape[0]):
        if mask[j] == 1:
            exp[j] = amap[i]
            i += 1
    return exp

[docs]class SAM(object): """Classify a HSI cube using the spectral angle mapper algorithm and a spectral library.""" def __init__(self): self.output = out.Output('SAM') self.cmap = None self.angles = None # spectra number self.n_classes = None # a float or a list of float self.threshold = None @ClassifyInputValidation('SAM') def classify(self, M, E, threshold=0.1, mask=None): if E.ndim == 1: self.n_classes = 1 else: self.n_classes = E.shape[0] self.threshold = threshold h, w, numBands = M.shape self.h, self.w, self.numBands = M.shape M = np.reshape(M, (w*h, numBands)) Mn = _normalize(M) En = _normalize(E) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): m = np.reshape(mask, w*h) cMn = _compress(Mn, m) else: cMn = Mn if E.ndim == 1: cmap, angles = self._class_single_pixel(cMn, En, threshold) else: cmap, angles = cls.SAM_classifier(cMn, En, threshold) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): cmap = _expand(cmap, m, w*h) if self.n_classes > 1: angles = _expand2(angles, m, w*h, E.shape[0]) elif self.n_classes == 1: angles = _expand(angles, m, w*h) self.cmap = np.reshape(cmap, (h, w)) self.angles = np.reshape(angles, (h, w, self.n_classes)) return self.cmap def __str__(self): return 'pysptools.classification.cls_int.SAM object, hcube: {0}x{1}x{2}, n classes: {3}'.format(self.h, self.w, self.numBands, self.n_classes) def _class_single_pixel(self, M, E, threshold): import pysptools.distance as dst angles = np.ndarray((M.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float) for i in range(M.shape[0]): angles[i] = dst.SAM(M[i], E) cmap = _single_value_min(angles, threshold) * angles return cmap, angles @GetMapInputValidation('SAM', 'classify') def get_angles_map(self): """ Returns: `numpy array` The angles array (m x n x spectra number). """ return self.angles @GetMapInputValidation('SAM', 'classify') def get_angles_stats(self): """ Returns: `dic` Angles stats. """ mm = {} for i in range(self.n_classes): mm[i] = (np.min(self.angles[:,:,i]), np.max(self.angles[:,:,i])) return mm @GetSingleMapInputValidation('SAM') def get_single_map(self, lib_idx, constrained=True): if self.n_classes == 1: return None return self.output.get_single_map(lib_idx, self.cmap, self.angles, self.threshold, constrained, stretch=False, inverse_scale=False) @PlotSingleMapInputValidation('SAM', 'classify') def plot_single_map(self, path, lib_idx, constrained=True, stretch=False, colorMap='spectral', suffix=None): self.output.plot_single_map(path, self.cmap, self.angles, lib_idx, self.n_classes, self.threshold, constrained, stretch, colorMap, suffix) @DisplaySingleMapInputValidation('SAM', 'classify') def display_single_map(self, lib_idx, constrained=True, stretch=False, colorMap='spectral', suffix=None): self.output.plot_single_map(None, self.cmap, self.angles, lib_idx, self.n_classes, self.threshold, constrained, stretch, colorMap, suffix) @PlotInputValidation('SAM') @Plot def plot(self, path, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='Accent', suffix=None): pass @DisplayInputValidation('SAM') @Display def display(self, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='Accent', suffix=None): pass @PlotHistoInputValidation('SAM') def plot_histo(self, path, suffix=None): self.output.plot_histo(path, self.cmap, self.n_classes, suffix)
[docs]class SID(object): """Classify a HSI cube using the spectral information divergence algorithm and a spectral library.""" def __init__(self): self.output = out.Output('SID') self.cmap = None self.sid = None # endmembers number self.n_classes = None self.threshold = None @ClassifyInputValidation('SID') def classify(self, M, E, threshold=0.1, mask=None): if E.ndim == 1: self.n_classes = 1 else: self.n_classes = E.shape[0] self.threshold = threshold h, w, numBands = M.shape self.h, self.w, self.numBands = M.shape M = np.reshape(M, (w*h, numBands)) Mn = _normalize(M) En = _normalize(E) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): m = np.reshape(mask, w*h) cMn = _compress(Mn, m) else: cMn = Mn if E.ndim == 1: cmap, sid = self._class_single_pixel(cMn, En, threshold) else: cmap, sid = cls.SID_classifier(cMn, En, threshold) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): cmap = _expand(cmap, m, w*h) if self.n_classes > 1: sid = _expand2(sid, m, w*h, E.shape[0]) elif self.n_classes == 1: sid = _expand(sid, m, w*h) self.cmap = np.reshape(cmap, (h, w)) self.sid = np.reshape(sid, (h, w, self.n_classes)) return self.cmap def __str__(self): return 'pysptools.classification.cls_int.SID object, hcube: {0}x{1}x{2}, n classes: {3}'.format(self.h, self.w, self.numBands, self.n_classes) def _class_single_pixel(self, M, E, threshold): import pysptools.distance as dst sid = np.ndarray((M.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float) for i in range(M.shape[0]): sid[i] = dst.SID(M[i], E) cmap = _single_value_min(sid, threshold) * sid return cmap, sid @GetMapInputValidation('SID', 'classify') def get_SID_map(self): """ Returns: `numpy array` The SID array (m x n x spectra number). """ return self.sid @GetSingleMapInputValidation('SID') def get_single_map(self, lib_idx, constrained=True): if self.n_classes == 1: return None return self.output.get_single_map(lib_idx, self.cmap, self.sid, self.threshold, constrained, stretch=False, inverse_scale=False) @PlotSingleMapInputValidation('SID', 'classify') def plot_single_map(self, path, lib_idx, constrained=True, stretch=False, colorMap='spectral', suffix=None): self.output.plot_single_map(path, self.cmap, self.sid, lib_idx, self.n_classes, self.threshold, constrained, stretch, colorMap, suffix) @DisplaySingleMapInputValidation('SID', 'classify') def display_single_map(self, lib_idx, constrained=True, stretch=False, colorMap='spectral', suffix=None): self.output.plot_single_map(None, self.cmap, self.sid, lib_idx, self.n_classes, self.threshold, constrained, stretch, colorMap, suffix) @PlotInputValidation('SID') @Plot def plot(self, path, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='Accent', suffix=None): pass @DisplayInputValidation('SID') @Display def display(self, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='Accent', suffix=None): pass @PlotHistoInputValidation('SID') def plot_histo(self, path, suffix=None): self.output.plot_histo(path, self.cmap, self.n_classes, suffix)
[docs]class NormXCorr(object): """Classify a HSI cube using the normalized cross correlation algorithm and a spectral library.""" def __init__(self): self.output = out.Output('NormXCorr') self.cmap = None self.corr = None # endmembers number self.n_classes = None self.threshold = None def __str__(self): return 'pysptools.classification.cls_int.NormXCorr object, hcube: {0}x{1}x{2}, n classes: {3}'.format(self.h, self.w, self.numBands, self.n_classes) @ClassifyInputValidation('NormXCorr') def classify(self, M, E, threshold=0.1, mask=None): if E.ndim == 1: self.n_classes = 1 else: self.n_classes = E.shape[0] if type(threshold) == float: self.threshold = 1 - threshold if type(threshold) == list: self.threshold = [1 - x for x in threshold] h, w, numBands = M.shape self.h, self.w, self.numBands = M.shape M = np.reshape(M, (w*h, numBands)) Mn = _normalize(M) En = _normalize(E) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): m = np.reshape(mask, w*h) cMn = _compress(Mn, m) else: cMn = Mn if E.ndim == 1: cmap, corr = self._class_single_pixel(cMn, En, threshold) else: cmap, corr = cls.NormXCorr_classifier(cMn, En, threshold) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): cmap = _expand(cmap, m, w*h) if self.n_classes > 1: corr = _expand2(corr, m, w*h, E.shape[0]) elif self.n_classes == 1: corr = _expand(corr, m, w*h) self.cmap = np.reshape(cmap, (h, w)) self.corr = np.reshape(corr, (h, w, self.n_classes)) return self.cmap def _class_single_pixel(self, M, E, threshold): import pysptools.distance as dst corr = np.ndarray((M.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float) for i in range(M.shape[0]): corr[i] = dst.NormXCorr(M[i], E) cmap = _single_value_max(corr, threshold) * corr return cmap, corr @GetMapInputValidation('NormXCorr', 'classify') def get_NormXCorr_map(self): """ Returns: `numpy array` The NormXCorr array (m x n x spectra number). """ return self.corr @GetSingleMapInputValidation('NormXCorr') def get_single_map(self, lib_idx, constrained=True): if self.n_classes == 1: return None return self.output.get_single_map(lib_idx, self.cmap, self.corr, self.threshold, constrained, stretch=False, inverse_scale=False) @PlotSingleMapInputValidation('NormXCorr', 'classify') def plot_single_map(self, path, lib_idx, constrained=True, stretch=False, colorMap='spectral', suffix=None): self.output.plot_single_map(path, self.cmap, self.corr, lib_idx, self.n_classes, self.threshold, constrained, stretch, colorMap, suffix) @DisplaySingleMapInputValidation('NormXCorr', 'classify') def display_single_map(self, lib_idx, constrained=True, stretch=False, colorMap='spectral', suffix=None): self.output.plot_single_map(None, self.cmap, self.corr, lib_idx, self.n_classes, self.threshold, constrained, stretch, colorMap, suffix) @PlotInputValidation('NormXCorr') @Plot def plot(self, path, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='Accent', suffix=None): pass @DisplayInputValidation('NormXCorr') @Display def display(self, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='Accent', suffix=None): pass @PlotHistoInputValidation('NormXCorr') def plot_histo(self, path, suffix=None): self.output.plot_histo(path, self.cmap, self.n_classes, suffix)
[docs]class AbundanceClassification(object): """Classify abundance maps.""" def __init__(self): self.output = out.Output('AbundanceClassification') self.cmap = None self.n_classes = None self.threshold = None @ClassifyInputValidation2('AbundanceClassification') def classify(self, amaps, threshold=0.1, mask=None): """ Use a group of abundance maps generated by UCLS, NNLS or FCLS, to construct a classification map. Parameters: amaps: `numpy array` A HSI cube (m x n x p). threshold: `float [default 0.1] or list` * If float, threshold is applied on all the spectra. * If a list, individual threshold is applied on each spectrum, in this case the list must have the same number of threshold values than the number of spectra. * Threshold have values between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns: `numpy array` A class map (m x n x 1). """ self.n_classes = amaps.shape[2] if type(threshold) == float: self.threshold = 1 - threshold if type(threshold) == list: self.threshold = [1 - x for x in threshold] h, w, n_maps = amaps.shape self.h, self.w, self.n_maps = amaps.shape amaps = np.reshape(amaps, (w*h, n_maps)) amaps = _normalize(amaps) if self.n_classes == 1: cmap = self._class_single_pixel(amaps, self.threshold) else: cmap = self._dispatch(amaps, self.threshold) self.cmap = np.reshape(cmap, (h, w)) return self.cmap def __str__(self): return 'pysptools.classification.cls_int.AbundanceClassification object, amaps: {0}x{1}x{2}, n classes: {3}'.format(self.h, self.w, self.n_maps, self.n_classes) def _dispatch(self, maps, threshold): if isinstance(threshold, float): cmap = self._single_value_max(maps, threshold) elif isinstance(threshold, list): cmap = self._multiple_values_max(maps, threshold) return cmap def _class_single_pixel(self, m, threshold): cmap = self._single_value_max(m, threshold) return cmap def _single_value_max(self, maps, threshold): """ Use a threshold to extract the maximum value along the y axis. """ max_vec = np.max(maps, axis=1) cmin = np.min(max_vec) cmax = np.max(max_vec) limit = cmax - (cmax - cmin) * threshold max_mask = max_vec > limit argmax = np.argmax(maps, axis=1) return (argmax + 1) * max_mask def _multiple_values_max(self, maps, threshold): """ Use a threshold to extract the minimum value along the y axis. A new threshold value is used for each value of y. """ max_val = np.zeros((maps.shape[0], maps.shape[1]), dtype=np.float) for i in range(maps.shape[1]): cmin = np.min(maps[:,i]) cmax = np.max(maps[:,i]) limit = cmax - (cmax - cmin) * threshold[i] min_mask = maps[:,i] <= limit max_mask = maps[:,i] > limit # for an abundance map the delta is around [-1..1], # but it can be outside this interval, it's something # to test # a guard with a -10 value maybe ok. rmin = min_mask * -10 max_val[:,i] = max_mask * maps[:,i] + rmin max_vec = np.max(max_val, axis=1) max_mask = max_vec > -10 argmax = np.argmax(max_val, axis=1) return (argmax + 1) * max_mask @PlotInputValidation('AbundanceClassification') @Plot def plot(self, path, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='Accent', suffix=None): pass @DisplayInputValidation('AbundanceClassification') @Display def display(self, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='Accent', suffix=None): pass
import sys if sys.version_info[0] == 2: AbundanceClassification.plot.__func__.__doc__ = plot_docstring AbundanceClassification.display.__func__.__doc__ = display_docstring if sys.version_info[0] == 3: AbundanceClassification.plot.__doc__ = plot_docstring AbundanceClassification.display.__doc__ = display_docstring