Source code for pysptools.classification.out

# Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Christian Therien
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# - This file is part of the PySptools package.

import os.path as osp
import numpy as np

[docs]class Output(object): """ Add plot and display functionality to the classifiers classes. """ def __init__(self, label): self.label = label def cm_dispatch(self, name): from pysptools.classification._cm import datad return datad[name] def _custom_listed_color_map(self, name, N, firstBlack=False): """ add the black color in front of 'name' color """ import as cm from matplotlib import colors if name == 'jet': mp = cm.datad[name] else: mp = self.cm_dispatch(name) new_mp1 = {'blue': colors.makeMappingArray(N-1, mp['blue']), 'green': colors.makeMappingArray(N-1, mp['green']), 'red': colors.makeMappingArray(N-1, mp['red'])} new_mp2 = [] new_mp2.extend(zip(new_mp1['red'], new_mp1['green'], new_mp1['blue'])) if firstBlack == True: new_mp2 = [(0,0,0)]+new_mp2 # the black color return colors.ListedColormap(new_mp2, N=N-1), new_mp2
[docs] def plot(self, img, n_classes, path=None, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='jet', firstBlack=False, suffix=''): """ Plot a classification map using matplotlib. Parameters: img: `numpy array` A classified map, (m x n x 1), the classes start at 0. n_classes: `int` The number of classes found in img. path: `string` The path where to put the plot. labels: `list of string [default None]` The legend labels. mask: `numpy array [default None]` A binary mask, when *True* the corresponding pixel is displayed. interpolation: `string [default none]` A matplotlib interpolation method. colorMap: `string [default 'Accent']` A color map element of ['Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3'], "Accent" is the default and it fall back on "Jet". firstBlack: `bool [default False]` Display the first legend element in black if *True*. If it is the case, the corresponding classification class value is zero and it can be use when the meaning is nothing to classify (example: a background). suffix: `string [default None]` Add a suffix to the file name. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm from matplotlib import colors if path != None: plt.ioff() # fallback on jet colormap if colorMap == 'Accent': color = cm.Accent elif colorMap == 'Dark2': color = cm.Dark2 elif colorMap == 'Paired': color = cm.Paired elif colorMap == 'Pastel1': color = cm.Pastel1 elif colorMap == 'Pastel2': color = cm.Pastel2 elif colorMap == 'Set1': color = cm.Set1 elif colorMap == 'Set2': color = cm.Set2 elif colorMap == 'Set3': color = cm.Set3 else: color = cm.jet colorMap = 'jet' if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): img = img[:,:] * mask if firstBlack == False: n_classes = n_classes - 1 bounds = range(n_classes+2) color, dummy = self._custom_listed_color_map(colorMap, len(bounds)+1, firstBlack=firstBlack) norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, color.N) fig0, ax0 = plt.subplots() plot = ax0.imshow(img, cmap=color, interpolation=interpolation, norm=norm) cbar = fig0.colorbar(plot, cmap=color, norm=norm, boundaries=bounds, ticks=[x+0.5 for x in range(n_classes+1)]) if labels == None: if firstBlack == True: sigSet = [x+1 for x in range(n_classes)] lbls = ['None'] lbls.extend(sigSet) else: sigSet = [x+1 for x in range(n_classes+1)] lbls = [] lbls.extend(sigSet) else: if firstBlack == True: lbls = ['None'] lbls.extend(labels) else: lbls = [] lbls.extend(labels) cbar.set_ticklabels(lbls) if labels == None: ax0.set_ylabel('class #', rotation=270, labelpad=70) ax0.get_yaxis().set_label_position("right") if path != None: if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, '{0}.png'.format(self.label)) else: fout = osp.join(path, '{0}_{1}.png'.format(self.label, suffix)) try: plt.savefig(fout) except IOError: raise IOError('in classification.SVC, no such file or directory: {0}'.format(path)) else: if suffix == None: plt.title('{0}'.format(self.label)) else: plt.title('{0} - {1}'.format(self.label, suffix)) plt.close()
[docs] def display(self, img, n_classes, labels=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='jet', firstBlack=False, suffix=''): """ Display a classification map using matplotlib. Parameters: img: `numpy array` A classified map, (m x n x 1), the classes start at 0. n_classes: `int` The number of classes found in img. labels: `list of string [default None]` The legend labels. mask: `numpy array [default None]` A binary mask, when *True* the corresponding pixel is displayed. interpolation: `string [default none]` A matplotlib interpolation method. colorMap: `string [default 'Accent']` A color map element of ['Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3'], "Accent" is the default and it fall back on "Jet". firstBlack: `bool [default False]` Display the first legend element in black if *True*. If it is the case, the corresponding classification class value is zero and it can be use when the meaning is nothing to classify (example: a background). suffix: `string [default None]` Add a suffix to the file name. """ self.plot(img, n_classes, labels=labels, mask=mask, interpolation=interpolation, colorMap=colorMap, firstBlack=firstBlack, suffix=suffix)
def plot1(self, img, path=None, mask=None, interpolation='none', colorMap='jet', suffix=''): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if path != None: plt.ioff() if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): img = img[:,:] * mask plt.imshow(img, interpolation=interpolation) plt.set_cmap(colorMap) cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_ticks([]) if path != None: if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, '{0}.png'.format(self.label)) else: fout = osp.join(path, '{0}_{1}.png'.format(self.label, suffix)) try: plt.savefig(fout) except IOError: raise IOError('in classifiers.output, no such file or directory: {0}'.format(path)) else: if suffix == None: plt.title('{0}'.format(self.label)) else: plt.title('{0} - {1}'.format(self.label, suffix)) plt.close() def plot_single_map(self, path, cmap, dist_map, lib_idx, em_nbr, threshold, constrained, stretch, colorMap, suffix): ## """ ## Plot individual classified map. One for each spectrum. ## ## Parameters ## path : string ## The path where to put the plot. ## ## lib_idx : int ## * A number between 1 and the number of spectra in the library. ## * 'all', plot all the individual maps. ## ## suffix : string ## Add a suffix to the file name. ## ## """ if lib_idx == 'all': for signo in range(em_nbr): self._plot_single_map1(path, cmap, signo + 1, dist_map, threshold, constrained, stretch, colorMap, suffix) else: self._plot_single_map1(path, cmap, lib_idx, dist_map, threshold, constrained, stretch, colorMap, suffix) def _plot_single_map1(self, path, cmap, signo, dist_map, threshold, constrained, stretch, colorMap, suffix): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if path != None: plt.ioff() grad = self.get_single_map(signo, cmap, dist_map, threshold, constrained, stretch) plt.imshow(grad, interpolation='none') plt.set_cmap(colorMap) cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_ticks([]) if path != None: if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, '{0}_{1}.png'.format(self.label, signo)) else: fout = osp.join(path, '{0}_{1}_{2}.png'.format(self.label, signo, suffix)) try: plt.savefig(fout) except IOError: raise IOError('in classifiers.output, no such file or directory: {0}'.format(path)) else: if suffix == None: plt.title('{0} - EM{1}'.format(self.label, signo)) else: plt.title('{0} - EM{1} - {2}'.format(self.label, signo, suffix)) plt.close() def get_single_map(self, signo, cmap, dist_map, threshold, constrained, stretch, inverse_scale=True): if constrained == False: amin = np.min(dist_map[:,:,signo - 1]) amax = np.max(dist_map[:,:,signo - 1]) if type(threshold) is float: limit = amin + (amax - amin) * threshold if type(threshold) is list: limit = amin + (amax - amin) * threshold[signo - 1] if self.label == 'NormXCorr': grad = (dist_map[:,:,signo - 1] > limit) * dist_map[:,:,signo - 1] else: grad = (dist_map[:,:,signo - 1] < limit) * dist_map[:,:,signo - 1] if constrained == True: thresholded = cmap == signo grad = (dist_map[:,:,signo - 1] * thresholded) # Inverse the scale for SAM and SID, # not needed for NormXCorr # Some brain damaging logic here: # inverse_scale == True only for the plot_single_map() call # inverse_scale == False only for the get_single_map() call if inverse_scale == True: if self.label == 'NormXCorr' and stretch == True: # strech between 0 and 1 min = 2 for i in range(grad.shape[0]): for j in range(grad.shape[1]): if grad[i,j] < min and grad[i,j] != 0: min = grad[i,j] for i in range(grad.shape[0]): for j in range(grad.shape[1]): if grad[i,j] != 0: grad[i,j] = grad[i,j] - min grad = (1 / np.max(grad)) * grad if self.label == 'SAM' or self.label == 'SID': # strech between 0 and 1 if stretch == True: grad = (1 / np.max(grad)) * grad # and inverse for i in range(grad.shape[0]): for j in range(grad.shape[1]): if grad[i,j] != 0: grad[i,j] = 1 - grad[i,j] return grad def plot_histo(self, path, cmap, em_nbr, suffix): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ioff() farray = np.ndarray.flatten(cmap) plt.hist(farray, bins=range(em_nbr+2), align='left') if suffix == None: fout = osp.join(path, 'histo_{0}.png'.format(self.label)) else: fout = osp.join(path, 'histo_{0}_{1}.png'.format(self.label, suffix)) try: plt.savefig(fout) except IOError: raise IOError('in classifiers.output, no such file or directory: {0}'.format(path)) plt.close()