Source code for pysptools.eea.eea_int

# Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Christian Therien
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# - This file is part of the PySptools package.


import numpy as np
from . import eea
from .inval import *
from .docstring import *

def _normalize(M):
    Normalizes M to be in range [0, 1].

      M: `numpy array`
          1D, 2D or 3D data.

    Returns: `numpy array`
          Normalized data.
    minVal = np.min(M)
    maxVal = np.max(M)

    Mn = M - minVal;

    if maxVal == minVal:
        return np.zeros(M.shape);
        return Mn / (maxVal-minVal)

def _plot_end_members(path, E, utype, is_normalized, axes, suffix):
    """ Plot a endmembers graph using matplotlib """
    import os.path as osp
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if axes == None:
        axes = {}
        axes['wavelength'] = [x+1 for x in range(E.shape[1])]
        axes['x'] = 'Wavelength'
        axes['y'] = 'Brightness'
        if not('wavelength' in axes) or axes['wavelength'] == None:
            axes['wavelength'] = [x+1 for x in range(E.shape[1])]
        if not('x' in axes) or axes['x'] == None:
            axes['x'] = 'Wavelength'
        if not('y' in axes) or axes['y'] == None:
            axes['y'] = 'Brightness'

    if is_normalized == True:
        plt.ylabel(axes['y']+' - normalized')
    plt.title('Spectral Profile')
    n_graph = 1
    legend = []
    for i in range(E.shape[0]):
        plt.plot(axes['wavelength'], E[i])
        if (i+1) % 5 == 0 :
            plt.legend(legend, loc='upper left', framealpha=0.5)
            legend = []
            if suffix == None:
                fout = osp.join(path, 'emembers_{0}__{1}.png'.format(utype, n_graph))
                fout = osp.join(path, 'emembers_{0}__{1}_{2}.png'.format(utype, n_graph, suffix))
            except IOError:
                raise IOError('in _plot_end_members, no such file or directory: {0}'.format(path))
            n_graph += 1
            if is_normalized == True:
                plt.ylabel(axes['y']+' - normalized')
            plt.title('Spectral Profile')
    if E.shape[0] % 5 != 0:
        plt.legend(legend, loc='upper left', framealpha=0.5)
        if suffix == None:
            fout = osp.join(path, 'emembers_{0}__{1}.png'.format(utype, n_graph))
            fout = osp.join(path, 'emembers_{0}__{1}_{2}.png'.format(utype, n_graph, suffix))
        except IOError:
            raise IOError('in _plot_end_members, no such file or directory: {0}'.format(path))

def _display_end_members(U, utype, is_normalized, axes, suffix):
    """ Display endmembers using matplotlib to the IPython Notebook. """
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if axes == None:
        axes = {}
        axes['wavelength'] = [x+1 for x in range(U.shape[1])]
        axes['x'] = 'Wavelength'
        axes['y'] = 'Brightness'
        if not('wavelength' in axes) or axes['wavelength'] == None:
            axes['wavelength'] = [x+1 for x in range(U.shape[1])]
        if not('x' in axes) or axes['x'] == None:
            axes['x'] = 'Wavelength'
        if not('y' in axes) or axes['y'] == None:
            axes['y'] = 'Brightness'

    if is_normalized == True:
        plt.ylabel(axes['y']+' - normalized')
    n_graph = 1
    legend = []
    for i in range(U.shape[0]):
        plt.plot(axes['wavelength'], U[i])
        if (i+1) % 5 == 0 :
            plt.legend(legend, loc='upper left', framealpha=0.5)
            legend = []
            if is_normalized == True:
                plt.ylabel(axes['y']+' - normalized')
            if suffix == None:
                plt.title('Spectral Profile {0} - {1}'.format(n_graph, utype))
                plt.title('Spectral Profile {0} - {1} - {2}'.format(n_graph, utype, suffix))
            n_graph += 1
    if U.shape[0] % 5 != 0:
        plt.legend(legend, loc='upper left', framealpha=0.5)
        if is_normalized == True:
            plt.ylabel(axes['y']+' - normalized')
        if suffix == None:
            plt.title('Spectral Profile {0} - {1}'.format(n_graph, utype))
            plt.title('Spectral Profile {0} - {1} - {2}'.format(n_graph, utype, suffix))

def _document(cls):
    import sys
    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
        cls.plot.__func__.__doc__ = plot_docstring
        cls.display.__func__.__doc__ = display_docstring
    if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
        cls.plot.__doc__ = plot_docstring
        cls.display.__doc__ = display_docstring

def _compress(vec, mask):
    n = np.sum(mask)
    cmp = np.ndarray((n, vec.shape[1]), dtype=np.float)
    i = 0
    for j in range(mask.shape[0]):
        if mask[j] == 1:
            cmp[i] = vec[j]
            i += 1
    return cmp

[docs]class PPI(object): """ Performs the pixel purity index algorithm for endmembers finding. """ def __init__(self): self.E = None self.w = None self.idx = None self.idx3D = None self.is_normalized = False @ExtractInputValidation1('PPI') def extract(self, M, q, numSkewers=10000, normalize=False, mask=None): """ Extract the endmembers. Parameters: M: `numpy array` A HSI cube (m x n x p). q: `int` Number of endmembers to find. numSkewers: `int [default 10000]` Number of "skewer" vectors to project data onto. In general, recommendation from the literature is 10000 skewers. mask: `numpy array [default None]` A binary mask, when *True* the corresponding signal is part of the endmembers search. Returns: `numpy array` Recovered endmembers (N x p). """ if normalize == True: M = _normalize(M) self.is_normalized = True h, w, numBands = M.shape self.h, self.w, self.numBands = M.shape self.q = q M = np.reshape(M, (self.w*h, M.shape[2])) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): m = np.reshape(mask, (self.w*h)) cM = _compress(M, m) else: cM = M self.E, self.idx = eea.PPI(cM, q, numSkewers) self.idx3D = [(i % self.w, i // self.w) for i in self.idx] return self.E def __str__(self): return 'pysptools.eea.eea_int.PPI object, hcube: {0}x{1}x{2}, n endmembers: {3}'.format(self.h, self.w, self.numBands, self.q)
[docs] def get_idx(self): """ Returns: `numpy array` Array of indices into the HSI cube corresponding to the induced endmembers """ return self.idx3D
@PlotInputValidation('PPI') def plot(self, path, axes=None, suffix=None): _plot_end_members(path, self.E, 'PPI', self.is_normalized, axes=axes, suffix=suffix) @DisplayInputValidation('PPI') def display(self, axes=None, suffix=None): _display_end_members(self.E, 'PPI', self.is_normalized, axes=axes, suffix=suffix)
[docs]class NFINDR(object): """ N-FINDR endmembers induction algorithm. """ def __init__(self): self.E = None self.Et = None self.w = None self.idx = None = None self.idx3D = None self.is_normalized = False @ExtractInputValidation2('NFINDR') def extract(self, M, q, transform=None, maxit=None, normalize=False, ATGP_init=False, mask=None): """ Extract the endmembers. Parameters: M: `numpy array` A HSI cube (m x n x p). q: `int` The number of endmembers to be induced. transform: `numpy array [default None]` The transformed 'M' cube by MNF (m x n x components). In this case the number of components must == q-1. If None, the built-in call to PCA is used to transform M in q-1 components. maxit: `int [default None]` The maximum number of iterations. Default is 3*p. normalize: `boolean [default False]` If True, M is normalized before doing the endmembers induction. ATGP_init: `boolean [default False]` Use ATGP to generate the first endmembers set instead of a random selection. mask: `numpy array [default None]` A binary mask, when *True* the corresponding signal is part of the endmembers search. Returns: `numpy array` Set of induced endmembers (N x p). References: Winter, M. E., "N-FINDR: an algorithm for fast autonomous spectral end-member determination in hyperspectral data", presented at the Imaging Spectrometry V, Denver, CO, USA, 1999, vol. 3753, pgs. 266-275. Note: The division by (factorial(p-1)) is an invariant for this algorithm, for this reason it is skipped. """ from . import nfindr if normalize == True: M = _normalize(M) self.is_normalized = True h, w, numBands = M.shape self.h, self.w, self.numBands = M.shape self.q = q M = np.reshape(M, (self.w*h, M.shape[2])) if transform != None: transform = np.reshape(transform, (self.w*h, transform.shape[2])) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): m = np.reshape(mask, (self.w*h)) cM = _compress(M, m) else: cM = M self.E, self.Et, self.idx, = nfindr.NFINDR(cM, q, transform, maxit, ATGP_init) self.idx3D = [(i % self.w, i // self.w) for i in self.idx] return self.E def __str__(self): return 'pysptools.eea.eea_int.NFINDR object, hcube: {0}x{1}x{2}, n endmembers: {3}'.format(self.h, self.w, self.numBands, self.q)
[docs] def get_idx(self): """ Returns : numpy array Array of indices into the HSI cube corresponding to the induced endmembers """ return self.idx3D
[docs] def get_iterations(self): """ Returns : int The number of iterations. """ return
def get_endmembers_transform(self): return self.Et @PlotInputValidation('NFINDR') def plot(self, path, axes=None, suffix=None): _plot_end_members(path, self.E, 'NFINDR', self.is_normalized, axes=axes, suffix=suffix) @DisplayInputValidation('NFINDR') def display(self, axes=None, suffix=None): _display_end_members(self.E, 'NFINDR', self.is_normalized, axes=axes, suffix=suffix)
[docs]class ATGP(object): """ Automatic target generation process endmembers induction algorithm. """ def __init__(self): self.E = None self.w = None self.idx = None self.idx3D = None self.is_normalized = False @ExtractInputValidation3('ATGP') def extract(self, M, q, normalize=False, mask=None): """ Extract the endmembers. Parameters: M: `numpy array` A HSI cube (m x n x p). q: `int` Number of endmembers to be induced (positive integer > 0). normalize: `boolean [default False]` Normalize M before unmixing. mask: `numpy array [default None]` A binary mask, if True the corresponding signal is part of the endmembers search. Returns: `numpy array` Set of induced endmembers (N x p). References: A. Plaza y C.-I. Chang, "Impact of Initialization on Design of Endmember Extraction Algorithms", Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 44, no. 11, pgs. 3397-3407, 2006. """ if normalize == True: M = _normalize(M) self.is_normalized = True h, w, numBands = M.shape self.h, self.w, self.numBands = M.shape self.q = q M = np.reshape(M, (self.w*h, M.shape[2])) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): m = np.reshape(mask, (self.w*h)) cM = _compress(M, m) else: cM = M self.E, self.idx = eea.ATGP(cM, q) self.idx3D = [(i % self.w, i // self.w) for i in self.idx] return self.E def __str__(self): return 'pysptools.eea.eea_int.ATGP object, hcube: {0}x{1}x{2}, n endmembers: {3}'.format(self.h, self.w, self.numBands, self.q)
[docs] def get_idx(self): """ Returns: `numpy array` Array of indices into the HSI cube corresponding to the induced endmembers """ return self.idx3D
@PlotInputValidation('ATGP') def plot(self, path, axes=None, suffix=None): _plot_end_members(path, self.E, 'ATGP', self.is_normalized, axes=axes, suffix=suffix) @DisplayInputValidation('ATGP') def display(self, axes=None, suffix=None): _display_end_members(self.E, 'ATGP', self.is_normalized, axes=axes, suffix=suffix)
[docs]class FIPPI(object): """ Fast Iterative Pixel Purity Index (FIPPI) endmembers induction algorithm. """ def __init__(self): self.E = None self.w = None self.idx = None self.idx3D = None self.is_normalized = False @ExtractInputValidation4('FIPPI') def extract(self, M, q=None, maxit=None, normalize=False, mask=None): """ Extract the endmembers. Parameters: M: `numpy array` A HSI cube (m x n x p). q: `int [default None]` Number of endmembers to be induced, if None use HfcVd to determine the number of endmembers to induce. maxit: `int [default None]` Maximum number of iterations. Default = 3*q. normalize: `boolean [default False]` Normalize M before unmixing. mask: `numpy array [default None]` A binary mask, when *True* the corresponding signal is part of the endmembers search. Returns: `numpy array` Set of induced endmembers (N x p). References: Chang, C.-I., "A fast iterative algorithm for implementation of pixel purity index", Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE, vol. 3, no. 1, pags. 63-67, 2006. """ if normalize == True: M = _normalize(M) self.is_normalized = True h, w, numBands = M.shape self.h, self.w, self.numBands = M.shape self.q = q M = np.reshape(M, (self.w*h, M.shape[2])) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): m = np.reshape(mask, (self.w*h)) cM = _compress(M, m) else: cM = M self.E, self.idx = eea.FIPPI(cM, q=q, maxit=maxit) self.idx3D = [(i % self.w, i // self.w) for i in self.idx] return self.E def __str__(self): return 'pysptools.eea.eea_int.FIPPI object, hcube: {0}x{1}x{2}, n endmembers: {3}'.format(self.h, self.w, self.numBands, self.q)
[docs] def get_idx(self): """ Returns: `numpy array` Array of indices into the HSI cube corresponding to the induced endmembers. """ return self.idx3D
@PlotInputValidation('FIPPI') def plot(self, path, axes=None, suffix=None): _plot_end_members(path, self.E, 'FIPPI', self.is_normalized, axes=axes, suffix=suffix) @DisplayInputValidation('FIPPI') def display(self, axes=None, suffix=None): _display_end_members(self.E, 'FIPPI', self.is_normalized, axes=axes, suffix=suffix)